1、In view of the relationship between global change and biodiversity, especially the rise of mid-plant generation plants and the great development of new plant generation angiosperms, which constitute the co-evolution pattern of terrestrial environment and biology, the laboratory paleontology team Sun Chunlin, Sun Yuewu,Quancheng, etc. Research on vegetation and climate, vegetation and atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration in the Mesozoic and Cenozoic eras, the Middle Jurassic Daohugou flora (including the pollen flora) was established for the first time, and the Jurassic Ginkgo, Cikon and Conifers were studied in depth. The epidermis characteristics of the species have greatly improved the research level of Mesozoic plant classification in China. Some breakthroughs have also been made in the study of the co-evolution of Mesozoic plants and insects, plants and fungi.

Daohugou Flora(Furst Page) cuticle of Ginkgo cuticle of Yanliaoa

cuticle of Czekanowskiales

SEM images of fruiting bodies Damage distinguished on leaves